View From the Legislature

Taking on a New Role

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

On Tuesday I was honoured to be appointed Manitoba’s Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living.

As the largest department of government and one that impacts every Manitoban in some way, I take on this new responsibility understanding its importance and with a commitment to work hard toward making improvements to our health care system.

I recognize that this will neither be quick nor will it be easy. Manitoba currently has some of the longest wait times in our Emergency Rooms and for certain procedures. There are challenges also in recruiting and retaining doctors as well as a critical shortage of personal care home beds across Manitoba. As a government, we will begin to immediately work toward solutions to these challenges. Of course they did not occur overnight and it will take time to build the healthcare system Manitobans want and expect. But that work must begin now.

When I ran for re-election it was with the intention of obtaining only one job, as the MLA for Steinbach. That remains the job I value the most and I will remain committed to it. However, I recognize that these new responsibilities will require more of my time to be dedicated in other parts of the province as well. I will work hard, as will staff in my constituency office, to ensure that the needs of our constituency are well met and well served.

I am grateful for the hundreds of people who have emailed, texted and phoned with your congratulations on my new role. Many of you indicated your well wishes and your prayers. My family and I appreciate this greatly. We know that there will be challenges as we adjust to this new role, and your encouragement is so appreciated.