Posted on 06/24/2015, 6:05 pm, by mySteinbach

Steinbach is looking to expand its boundaries, recognizing the importance of planning for economic diversity, efficient land use, cost-effective infrastructure and sustainable population growth.

City plans

Left to right: Councillor Bob Brandt (RM of Hanover), Reeve Stan Toews (RM of Hanover), Mayor Chris Goertzen (City of Steinbach) and Councillor Jac Siemens (City of Steinbach).

The City notes that with the growth that Steinbach is experiencing, it is important to plan for the future. Annexation will secure land to address future needs and allows for orderly development in these areas by bringing them into the City’s jurisdiction.

An analysis to look at the current and future land needs to accommodate growth has been researched and completed. More information about the anticipated future growth and subsequent requirements will be forthcoming by the fall of 2015.


Plan showing the location of the planned area.

The City anticipates submitting a formal application to the province for the annexation before year’s end. The application is only the first step in a process that would seek provincial approval. The approval and consultation process is set out by the Manitoba Municipal Board (MMB) and ensures impacted land owners are consulted and provided an opportunity to learn about the application and provide their feedback before approval.