View From the Legislature

Vaccine Centre Opening in Steinbach

  • Kelvin Goertzen, Author
  • Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach

The previously announced Steinbach COVID-19 vaccine super site is now officially scheduled to open on Tuesday May 18th. Up until now, Steinbach and the surrounding area has been serviced by pop-up clinics that have been scheduled on a regular basis and were administering the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. As well, local pharmacies and clinics have been offering the AstraZeneca vaccine as supplies have allowed. The super site will be administering both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Appointments can already be made for the Steinbach site by visiting Also, on that site you will find the most recent information on vaccine eligibility. The Steinbach site will be located at 294 Lumber Avenue which many local residents will know as the former location of the Steinbach Legion. There has been some significant construction happening on the interior of the building as preparation is needed to ensure vaccines can be stored properly and that there are adequate amenities for the more than 400 people who can be administered a dose daily at the site.

Starting this week, Canada is expecting a significant increase in the number of vaccines that are available, most notably from Pfizer and Moderna. Many Canadians have been frustrated by the slow arrival of vaccines procured by the federal government that has left Canada well behind dozens of other countries in the world when it comes vaccine supply. However, the expectation now from the federal government is that vaccine supply in Canada is going to increase substantially as it strives to ensure every Canadian who wants to be vaccinated can be by July.

As of early this week, about half a million doses of vaccine had been administered in Manitoba. With the most vulnerable population having been prioritized for vaccines first, Manitoba, like other provinces, is now quickly lowering the age restrictions on the eligibility with the expectation that soon all adults will be eligible. This is the largest and most complex vaccination program ever undertaken in Manitoba and Canada. It not only involves the need to move the vaccines around a vast province but is made more complex by the fact that there are multiple vaccines that often have quite different storage requirements. As well, most of the available vaccines require two doses to offer their best protection. This adds another complexity in terms of scheduling and ensuring the required doses are available.

As Manitoba and Canada advance in the vaccination program there is a growing sense of hope as we look to the lessons of the countries which are ahead of Canada in the program, most notably our neighbors to the south. The United States has been a leader in vaccine procurement and distribution. It, along with Israel and Britain, provide both a path and optimism during an incredibly difficult time. Remember to keep checking on for the latest information specific to the Manitoba vaccine program.