
The Secret of Being Content

  • Peter Friesen, Author
  • Retired Minister

Philippians 4:12) I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (NIV)

As a young person we remember a time when we called a friend aside to share a secret? The moment we began to utter the word secret we became the center of attention and, at least for that moment, it was fun. Remember what that felt like? Everyone wanted to know the secret, but we would hold it close unless, of course, somebody pounded us.

Now the Bible talks about a secret that the average person in the world cannot seem to understand and that is the secret of contentment, of happiness. Many think contentment or happiness means the same thing as complacency or self- satisfaction; but it really does not. These words have a much deeper meaning than that.

Check me on this one. When I lose the desire to be involved, when I do not care what happens, when my spiritual walk and talk are going nowhere, then I might just say that is complacency. Complacency to me means having a self-righteous attitude. “I just do not give a pinch, why should I?” “Who cares?” However, may I suggest what experience has taught me is that what we are shrugging off with a ‘do not care’ attitude is the loneliness inside our heart. Contentment, on the other hand, means that we can be at peace with God and other folks in every situation, whether good or bad.

For those of us who have lived awhile, we have become painfully aware that somehow material things just do not cut it, things do not compare to the enjoyment we get when we are with family, friends, and co-workers. A positive relationship with Jesus Christ, with family, friends, and co-workers far exceeds anything that we own. When we take our journey with Christ seriously, we then have found the secret that the apostle Paul is talking about, the secret of contentment, that inner happiness, that inner peace that money just cannot buy.

Perhaps you are like me, even as a Christian, circumstances at times have a way of getting under my skin. When things are going okay, when everything seems to be humming along just fine and the sun is shining, I am up on cloud nine. However, when everything seems to be going no where, this contentment stuff seems like a mountain to overcome. It can be tough to find the peace in our heart we so eagerly desire.

Scripture does not teach that everything that happens to Christians will be good. However, Scripture does teach that God is at work, in every situation whether we perceive it as good or bad. Now the challenge to us is to strive to understand what God is trying to reveal to us in the circumstance. Right here we can choose to go our way and lose the battle, or we can choose to trust God. The choice is ours.

God uses those times of difficulty in our lives to do some of his greatest work in us. It is true. We learn some of the most important lessons in life in our struggles, in our difficult times. God builds into our character and compassion through the struggles He allows us to experience, struggles that are at times tough to understand.

I know that has been true for me and it has probably been true for you. We need to look at the struggles in our lives and ask what God is teaching us through them. We might find lessons so valuable in those struggles that, given the opportunity, we would not change the hard times even if we could – To God be The Glory Great things He has done.

Would you pray this prayer with me … “Lord Jesus, come into my heart? Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my hearts that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that will fulfill my hearts desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honor Your Name.” Amen.