Manitoba Sustainable Development advises that given the uncertainty around ice conditions on the Red River, combined with higher expected temperatures and cautions about high water moving north from the United States, anglers are asked to have their ice-fishing shelters removed from the Red River as soon as possible, buy no later than Sunday, March 12.

Many shelters in the Selkirk area have already been removed to accommodate ice cutting and the operation of the Amphibex ice-breaking equipment, but a significant number of shelters still remain in the Lockport area.

Under provincial regulations, ice-fishing shelters must be removed by March 12 on the Red River, March 31 across the rest of southern Manitoba and by April 15 for the rest of Manitoba unless requested by a conservation officer to do so sooner because of unsafe ice conditions.

Manitoba Sustainable Development urges all anglers to be careful, cautious and conscientious about the safe removal of their property. Always check ice conditions before venturing out onto the ice.