Selkirk RCMP are reporting that a prisoner at the local detachment had recently smuggled two balloons of drugs into the detachment cell block. The balloons contained more than 40 grams of methamphetamine.

On May 30, 2022, at approximately 7:45am, Selkirk RCMP were alerted to activity in the cell block area of the detachment. Officers reported that a prisoner in custody for a parole violation and awaiting transfer to a different facility, was having medical difficulty. It was determined that he had smuggled in two balloons of drugs inside his person.

RCMP report that the prisoner, a 21-year-old Winnipeg man, was able to get one balloon out, but the other became lodged. The man was then taken to local hospital where the second balloon was retrieved. He was medically cleared and returned to the detachment cells.

Police say that the male prisoner was charged with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking.