The Manitoba government introduced Bill 4, the Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act, that would establish Sept. 30 as a provincial statutory holiday in the province, namely National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

“Manitobans from all walks of life are ready to embrace reconciliation – whether it’s participating in school events, wearing a WASAC jersey to a Jets game or talking to their kids about our history and the future we want,” said Premier Wab Kinew. “Legislating Sept. 30 as a general holiday creates space for all Manitobans to come together in observation, reflection and commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools.”

The proposed legislation would establish Sept. 30 as a provincial statutory holiday, which directly responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action No. 80.

“Sept. 30 is a day of remembrance dedicated to honouring residential school survivors, their families, and communities,” said Immigration Minister Malaya Marcelino. “This legislation would allow everyone, wherever they work, to have the opportunity to take part in commemorative events that promote education, understanding and healing.”

The proposed legislation was developed following significant consultations with Indigenous leaders, residential school survivors and stakeholders throughout the province.