The Steinbach Arts Council is pleased to present an opening ceremony celebration for “On the Mind” by South East Artists (SEA). The event is scheduled for August 16, 2017, at the Hall Gallery in the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre.

SEA Chair Kim Gwozdz offers the reason for the local artist’s existence is to enjoy the company and encouragement of fellow artists. The artists provide a format to share their work outside their homes and ensure that they set aside a couple of hours each week for the development of that craft. If offers confidence that what we do as artists is important and provides opportunities for growth.

This exhibit will remain open to the public until September 26, 2017. The Opening Ceremony on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 7pm is open to the public with a reception to follow.

The Steinbach Arts Council Hall Gallery features six exhibits throughout the season, featuring local and guest artists of all mediums. The mandate is to encourage new artists to develop their talents, and have an opportunity to share these talents with the community.