Manitoba Public Insurance, STARS and other emergency services recently shot a distracted driving safety video in Steinbach in an effort to reduce serious injuries and deaths. Also involved in the video were RCMP, EMS and firefighters.

“Distracted driving is a major cause of motor vehicle collisions in Manitoba,” said STARS Base Director and flight paramedic Grant Therrien. “Hopefully this video will be a strong reminder to motorists to keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel.”

The video was shot on May 16, 2017 in Steinbach where over 200 grade 10 students were taken to the Southland Church parking lot to view a mock accident from a 911 call to a funeral post-event. This is the first time the video is being broadly released to the public.

United Driver Training initially requested STARS and other emergency services partner to produce this sponsor-funded initiative to demonstrate the consequences of distracted driving to local Steinbach and area teenagers. Sharing it before the long weekend is meant to remind drivers of all ages across the province to keep their eyes on the road and hands on wheel.