Steinbach RCMP reported that during a recent Distracted Driving enforcement campaign in the area, 130 people were issued tickets for the use of handheld electronic devices.

“At a time when many of us have seen the video, and are in shock at the distracted semi-truck driver who struck the motorcyclist, it remains very concerning that 130 people in our area have been charged for doing the same thing in the past month,” said Steinbach RCMP Staff Sergeant Harold Laninga. “These are just the persons caught.”

The Province-wide Distracted Driving enforcement campaign ran throughout the month of April, with extra traffic enforcement resources being deployed to seek out distracted driving behaviours. The particular focus during this campaign was on cell phone use while driving.

RCMP report that a number of patrols were directed to the Steinbach area. The results of these patrols were 130 tickets issued under the Highway Traffic Act for using a handheld electronic device and another 79 tickets being issued for other traffic offences which included 27 tickets for failing to use a seat belt.