The Steinbach Arts Council has announced that the award-winning comedy act of James & Jamesy will be performing in Steinbach at the SRSS Theatre on April 5.

James & Jamesy will be performing their latest theatrical piece “2 for Tea”.

In 2 for Tea, James & Jamesy lure audiences into their delightfully bizarre world with their innocence and endearing chemistry. Blending meticulous physical theatre with comedy, improv, and word-play, the duo pour out a tale of friendship steeped in misadventure. Audience members find themselves on the front lines of the British army and others wind up sipping tea on stage in the afterlife. 2 for Tea is a celebration of camaraderie, family, trusting those we love, and of course, tea.

“Our audiences often surprise themselves by how eager they are to jump into a costume and join in on the fun with James and I,” explains Jamesy. “2 for Tea is unlike anything you’ve ever seen, made new each evening from fresh interpretations by the eclectic audience members that become part of the show.”

The show will take place at the SRSS Theatre, located at 190 McKenzie Avenue in Steinbach, on Friday, April 5, 2019 at 6:45pm. Tickets are available at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre, 304 Second Street in Steinbach.