Manitoba’s employment levels are off to a strong start in 2020, according to the latest report from Statistics Canada.

“Our government is moving forward on our commitment to grow Manitoba’s economy and create 40,000 new jobs over the next four years by fixing our finances and making the province an attractive place to do business,” said Finance Minister Scott Fielding. “Manitoba’s labour market remains strong as shown by our solid track record to date.”

The latest figures show an employment increase of 3,200 in February in Manitoba. It follows an increase of 6,500 in January, resulting in approximately 9,700 more Manitobans working in the first two months of 2020.

According to the latest figures, Manitoba increased by more than double the national average. The increase in employment in February was accompanied by a decline in Manitoba’s unemployment rate to five per cent, down from 5.1 per cent in January and 5.3 per cent in 2019. Manitoba continues to have the second lowest unemployment rate among Canadian provinces.

“We are working with industry and employers to ensure Manitoba workers will have the knowledge and skills they need to meet the needs of in-demand careers now and in the future,” said Economic Development and Training Minister Ralph Eichler. “This is proving to be an effective strategy to continue job market growth.”

The province’s labour force has increased by 2,800 workers, a 0.4 per cent increase, while the country’s rate as a whole increased by 0.2 per cent. Compared to the previous February, the labour force increased 1.3 per cent in Manitoba.