RCMP are reporting that two experienced canoeists, a 60-year-old woman and a 63-year-old man, were recently rescued from a location on the Hayes River, northeast of Oxford House, Manitoba.

On August 20, 2021, at 4:40pm, Oxford House RCMP received a report from the International Emergency Response Coordination Center (IERCC) of two stranded canoeists on the Hayes River, located approximately 115 kilometres northeast of Oxford House.

The IERCC indicated that it received a GPS distress signal from the pair who stated that their canoe had been badly damaged and was unusable after attempting to cross a section of rapids on the river.

RCMP report that the two canoeists reported no injuries but were now stranded on the remote riverbank awaiting assistance. The IERCC advised the two that their signal was received and that rescue efforts were underway and would most likely occur the following day.

In coordination with the Thompson Detachment, in the late afternoon of August 21, a float plane was chartered and responded to the dispatched coordinates where the two canoeists were rescued. Police noted that they were bit wet but unharmed.