The Manitoba government has announced that the amendments to the Agricultural Crown Lands (ACL) Leases and Permits Regulation are now in effect.
Effective immediately, the Manitoba government is increasing the temporary rent reduction scheduled for Agricultural Crown Land (ACL) forage leases to 55 per cent from 33 per cent for the 2024 growing season in recognition of the hardships producers have faced in recent years.
The Manitoba government is making changes to the Agricultural Crown Lands (ACL) Leases and Permits Regulation to support improving forage productivity, growing the livestock industry and advancing sustainability after receiving public feedback.
The Manitoba government is asking for public feedback on proposed changes to the Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulation that would support improving forage productivity, growing the livestock industry, and advancing sustainability.
Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson recently announced that the Manitoba government’s agricultural Crown land lease and permit auctions will be held online Feb. 6 to 10.
In response to the impacts of extreme moisture over the past two years and stakeholder feedback, the Manitoba government is implementing a temporary rent reduction for forage leases on agricultural Crown lands.
The Manitoba government has announced that it’s agricultural Crown land lease and permit auctions will be held online beginning Monday, Jan. 31, 2022.
Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development advises that due to dry conditions in parts of the province over the past few years, livestock producers will temporarily be allowed to cut hay on Crown lands not normally designated for agricultural use.
Manitobans can now purchase their permits on the provinces new online e-licensing portal to cut Christmas trees on Crown land.