With Christmas just around the corner, Elora Klassen, a thirteen-year-old from Manitoba, was excited to receive a new gift that will help her stay active and enjoy her favorite pastime.
The War Amps is beginning its 2023 key tag mailing to Steinbach and surrounding area this week. The Key Tag Service was launched in 1946 so that returning war amputee veterans could not only work for competitive wages, but also provide a service to Canadians that would generate funds for the Association’s many programs, including CHAMP.
The War Amps begins its 2022 key tag mailing to Steinbach and the surrounding communities this week, with the theme “You Make Our Programs Possible”. Donations to the Key Tag Service provide vital support to amputees across the country including 12-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the War Amps Key Tag Service. As this milestone year comes to an end, 20-year-old Kyle Nordick of Ste. Agathe is sharing how donations to the lost key return service have made a difference in his life.
This year the War Amps Key Tag Service is celebrating 75 years of returning lost keys to their owners. Donations to the Key Tag Service provide vital support to amputees across the country, including 11-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort, Manitoba.
With farming season here, Merrill Loeppky, a War Amps regional representative, is reminding parents to pass on an essential and possibly life-saving lesson to their children – PLAYSAFE!
Kyle Nordick, an 18-year-old CHAMP and PLAYSAFE ambassador from Ste. Agathe, is delivering a message of safety to kids.
“PLAYSAFE, spot the danger before you play!” That’s the message nine-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort, Manitoba delivered along the recent Travellers’ Day parade route in Brandon.
Kyle Nordick, 17, of Ste. Agathe, attended The War Amps 2018 Western Child Amputee (CHAMP) Seminar in Winnipeg which brought together young amputees from across the western provinces while also marking the 100th anniversary of The War Amps.
Eight-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort, joined The War Amps float in the Traveller’s Day Parade, in Brandon, to pass on the vital PLAYSAFE / DRIVESAFE message, but also to commemorate a special milestone for the Association – its 100th anniversary.