Posted on 10/18/2011, 8:49 am, by the City of Steinbach

Although heading into winter, things are getting “Greener” around Steinbach.

Steinbach’s Parks and Recreation Department is taking advantage of an initiative set out by the Canadian Beverage Recycling Container Association (CBRCA). The program is funded by the recycling levy consumers pay when they purchase bottled beverage products and allows communities to order recycling containers made of concrete, steel or plastic, depending on the location where the container will be placed.

Earlier this month, twelve plastic ‘Recycle Everywhere’ containers were put in place at the T.G. Smith Centre. It is anticipated that the remainder of the containers will arrive later this fall and will be set up at the Steinbach Aquatic Centre, A.D. Penner Park, K.R. Barkman Park, Steinbach Soccer Park, and various other locations around the city. A total of 54 bins have been ordered to encourage recycling in these public spaces.