Posted on 05/31/2012, 8:57 am, by mySteinbach

Tobacco use hurts us all

May 31 is World No Tobacco Day and is marked every year by the World Health Organization to draw attention to the global tobacco epidemic.

You probably know that smoking harms those who smoke. You may also know that second hand smoke can harm those who don’t smoke. BUT, did you know that tobacco harms us all?

Consider these facts:

• Tobacco kills nearly six million people every year.
• Tobacco is the only legal product that, if used as intended, will kill ½ of its users.
• 1 person dies approximately every 6 seconds due to tobacco.
• As the number of smokers has reduced in the developed world, the global tobacco industry has targeted markets in the developing world.
• Nearly 80% of the more than one billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle-income countries.
• In a world where there are food shortages, tobacco uses valuable farm land. It is estimated that 10-20 million people could be fed with food grown on the land used for tobacco crops.
• Tobacco users who die prematurely deprive their families of income, raise the cost of health care and hinder economic development.
• Billions of dollars are spent each year to deal with the problems caused by tobacco.

What can you do?

Canada is implementing the strategies set by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking in populations. Smoking bans, graphic warnings required on tobacco packages, and increasing taxes on cigarettes are proven to reduce the number of people who start smoking and increase the number of people who try to quit. Currently approximately 70% of smokers want to quit and they require support, assistance and encouragement from those around them. Understand that smoking is a powerful addiction and it takes time to recover from tobacco use.

If you or someone you or someone you know would like more information about quitting smoking:

• Talk to a health care professional about support and medication.
• Check out, or
• Call Smoker’s Helpline at 1-877-513-5333 for free access to a Quit Specialist.
• Request a copy of “For Smoker’s Who Want to Quit” or other free resources by calling 204-346-6690 or email

For more information about the World Health Organization’s work on Tobacco Reduction visit