Posted on 12/17/2012, 9:42 am, by mySteinbach

To ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday season, the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) encourages Manitobans to be on the lookout for electrical and fire dangers commonly found in homes at this time of year.

Overloaded electrical outlets and faulty extension cords are main causes of fires. Old decorations and strings of lights can also have faulty connections and should be carefully examined for exposed wiring or cracked wire coverings.

People using indoor wood stoves for heating should make sure they are properly ventilated, check chimney conditions, and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly.

The OFC has a number of timely tips in the 2012 Holiday Fire Safety Kit, which is available for download.

These home fire safety tips include information about kitchen hazards, smoking, space heaters, fireplaces, candles, electrical outlets and extension cords, Christmas trees, string lights, social gatherings, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide and fire safety gift suggestions.