Posted on 04/17/2013, 9:51 am, by mySteinbach

Spring is just around the corner and it will soon be time to take your bicycle out for a ride. In effort to reduce the number of cycling head injuries, the Province of Manitoba has introduced a legislation that requires cyclist under the age of 18 to wear a properly fitted and fastened protective helmet. While there is no firm date for the new helmet law to take effect, it is expected this will occur in spring/summer 2013.

Wearing a properly fitted helmet has been shown to reduce brain injuries by 88% and head injury by 85%. In order to properly fit your helmet there is a simple rule to follow, the rule is called 2-V-1,

  • 2: Two fingers distance from helmet to eyebrows
  • V: V-shape straps around both ears
  • 1: One finger between chin and strap

Once your helmet is fitted properly and in place, make sure you follow the 3Rs of safe cycling:

  • Same Road- Bike and car have to share the road
  • Same Rights -You have a right to your space on the road
  • Same Rules- Everyone needs to follow traffic signs

This season, keep your head safe and ride safely!