Posted on 07/04/2013, 11:54 am, by the City of Steinbach

The Mayors of Steinbach and Winkler have thrown down the gauntlet in support of their respective City’s summer reading programs.

“We thought it would be fun to have a friendly competition between mayors” said Steinbach’s Mayor Goertzen, “The summer reading program is a fantastic event that I am happy to wager over, win or lose.” With a young son at home literacy hits close to home for the mayor.

Both Steinbach’s Jake Epp Library and Winkler Library are holding summer reading programs and decided to add some rivalry between the cities. Children keep track of how many minutes they spend reading and the library with the most minutes at the end of summer will be announced the winner. Both city mayors were quick to join the competition.

“The Dit Sied Yant Sied (This side, That side) challenge promoting I love to read is a great way to have some competition between Steinbach Library and Winkler Library – Go Winkler!” cheers Winkler’s Mayor Harder.

After some discussion, the mayors’ wager includes wearing a t-shirt created by the winning city for a full day, including a session in council, as well as a personal $100 donation to the winning library.

“I can’t wait to see Mayor Harder wearing Steinbach’s t-shirt,” said Mayor Goertzen in friendly jest.

The summer reading program kicked off on July 1 in both cities and runs until August 17.