Posted on 08/27/2013, 1:17 pm, by the City of Steinbach

Phosphorus in waste water is difficult to remove and requires an increase in treatment chemicals, therefore increasing costs. You can do your part to protect our water quality by reducing your phosphorus footprint. Here’s how:

Read Labels

Currently there is no standard symbol to indicate phosphate-free products, so it is important to read all labels. When shopping, look for products with the words: ‘no phosphorus’ or ‘phosphate free’. Beware of unregulated “green” claims on labels. Terms such as “natural” and “eco-friendly” need to be supported with specific ingredient information, such as “no phosphates”.

Go Phosphate-Free

The largest contributors of phosphates to waste water are commercial and household cleaning products such as:

  • laundry detergent
  • dishwasher soap
  • glass cleaners
  • shower cleaners
  • all-purpose cleaners

Look for phosphate-free cleaners, available from most retailers.