Posted on 09/08/2013, 1:56 pm, by mySteinbach

Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) welcomes the release of the renewed voluntary Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle published by the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC).

“The revisions to the code are practical and science-based,” said Trevor Atchison, MBP president. “Beef producers have had the opportunity for input, both through direct involvement in the development of the new code by NFACC and through an extensive comment period.”

MBP acknowledges the work of the Code Development Committee tasked with reviewing and revising the code. The committee includes researchers, beef producers, veterinarians, transportation representatives, humane societies, animal enforcement and government.

The involvement of civil society in the development of the revised code is welcomed by MBP. This will help make certain that our industry’s efforts to ensure the highest standards of animal care are supported and understood by a broad spectrum of Canadian society.

“Beef producers care about the welfare of our animals and we work to protect their health and well-being,” said Atchison. “These renewed national guidelines will allow us to demonstrate that to the public at large.”

MBP encourages beef producers to read the new code which provides relevant information for their operations. Copies are available by calling MBP toll-free at 1-800-772-0458. The code can be downloaded directly from NFACC.