Posted on 09/08/2014, 9:31 am, by mySteinbach

Lynn Barkman has announced she intends to represent the Mitchell/Blumenort/Landmark ward in the upcoming election.

Lynn Barkman

Lynn Barkman with husband Ron and their grandchildren.

Barkman has been a Hanover School Division Trustee for over 15 years, yet the energy she brings to this position is as strong as ever. She’s passionate about education and welfare of children and family. Barkman states public education is the cornerstone of our society. Since children spend more time in school than anywhere else, teachers are the most influential adults in their lives next to family members. Hanover School Division welcomes children of every religion, culture, ethnicity and capability. She believes that every child can learn and that her role as a Trustee is to ensure that teachers have the resources and the support necessary to be able to make this happen.

Barkman goes on to say that serving on the HSD board has been one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. She has served in all committees and this term is the Vice Chair of the SRSS building project; governance and public relations; workplace safety and health; and she sits on the finance committee, as well.

Lynn Barkman is proud of the many recent accomplishments within the Hanover School Division, such as the miles of fiber optic cables which were installed to all HSD schools in order to facilitate the improved use of technology within the Division. A major highlight was building the new schools in order to decrease class sizes and thereby improving the educational experiences of students.

Employed as a nurse at the Bethesda Regional Health Centre, she resides in Ridgewood with her husband Ron, where they attend the Ridgewood EMC Church. Their four children have all attended Hanover School Division schools, and two grandchildren are presently enrolled as well. Lynn Barkman encourages all residents within Hanover School Division, over the age of 18, to exercise their right to vote.