Posted on 05/15/2015, 10:45 am, by mySteinbach

This past Thursday, 5-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort and 13-year-old Kyle Nordick of Ste. Agathe gave a PLAYSAFE presentation for students of the Eastman Safety Training Centre After School Program.


5-year-old Telysha Warkentin of Blumenort and 13-year-old Kyle Nordick of Ste. Agathe.

Born left arm amputees, Telysha and Kyle are well qualified to pass on the PLAYSAFE message, as they have met children who have lost limbs in accidents that could have been prevented. They reminded the attendees about the importance of “spotting the danger” before they play.

Both Telysha and Kyle are members of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program.