Posted on 08/22/2009, 7:15 am, by mySteinbach

The bridge over the Red River at Provincial Road 210 at St. Adolphe, which was closed on August 20, 2009, will remain closed for an indefinite period of time.  Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation advises that river bank instability has compromised the structural integrity of this structure and there is a significant likelihood of failure. 

Yesterday, staff discovered a problem with this bridge and it was closed immediately to ensure public safety.  It was found that one of the support beams (a pier) under the bridge deck had moved approximately one metre (three feet) since the last inspection on June 29, 2009.  Further movement was reported overnight. 

To ensure public safety both on and under the bridge, concrete barriers have been placed so motorists are not able to access the bridge.  Security has also been stationed at this location around the clock.  The department is advising motorists, boaters and the general public to not travel, walk or boat under or near the bridge at any time, due to significant safety concerns.

All bridges impacted by the spring 2009 flood were inspected both during the flood and immediately after.  There have been periodic inspections of these bridges as the water fully receded. 

Detour signs are in place on roads in the St. Adolphe area.