Posted on 06/11/2010, 8:44 am, by the City of Steinbach

Earlier this week, on June 9, Steinbach held its Oil Recycling Day and the stats are now in.

The Steinbach Landfill took in 7,942 litres of used oil and distributed 1,200 litres of new oil. In addition to the oil, 293 kgs of used filters and 212 kgs of used plastic oil containers were also recycled.

Eldon Wallman and the rest of the Solid Waste employees are very pleased with the increasing success of the event. Last year, 2,850 litres of used oil was recycled.

The City wants to thank the Steinbach Landfill staff for a great event, Earl’s Meat Market for providing the hot dogs and to all the environmentally responsible people who came out to recycle their oil.