Posted on 09/24/2010, 10:24 pm, by mySteinbach

Many people were expecting Steinbach City Council candidate Chris Summerville to respond to R. Reimer’s letter to the editor in last week’s issue of The Carillon, “No vote for Summerville.”  Known for his spirited advocacy and recent criticism of Kelvin Goertzen’s position in respect to Vince Li, Summerville says, “I could have sharply rebutted Mr. Reimer’s criticism, but the residents of Steinbach are aware of my position as regards mental health issues and Mr. Vince Li. Sometimes it is best not to respond.”

Summerville states that he has privately apologized to Goertzen for having come across as attacking his Christian faith in taking issue with the Conservative Party’s handling of the Vince Li situation. “I have also met personally with Progressive Conservative Health Critic Myrna Driedger and found her to be quite knowledgeable, understanding and reasonable regarding mental health issues.”

“This election is not about Vince Li or Kelvin Goertzen. It is not whether one is Conservative, Liberal or NDP. I believe that voters are concerned about the changes taking place with the rapid growth in our city. They are fearful of the increase in crime. They are worried about tax increases and city debt. What people need to know is that I care about them and their worries. I care about the mother who worries about her daughter being approached by a drug dealer at school. I care about the small business owner who is struggling with overhead costs. I care about the senior who is waiting for a personal care home bed,” says Summerville.

Expressing that he believes most citizens just want to lead quiet, peaceful and secure lives, Summerville further states, “I believe voters want their leaders to listen, to understand and to learn from them.”  “If elected that is a characteristic I hope I will be known for.”