Posted on 01/26/2011, 9:54 am, by mySteinbach

Provincial Green Team grant applications are now available for not-for-profit organizations and rural municipal governments to hire students and youth for summer jobs in Manitoba, Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors Minister Jim Rondeau announced.

“Many students rely on summer jobs to help them pay for their education costs,” said Rondeau. “Green Team is helping young Manitobans with earning those funds, while they gain valuable skills and experience working on projects that benefit our communities.”

The Urban and Hometown Green Teams create summer employment opportunities for students and unemployed youth aged 16 to 24 years. Participating employers co-ordinate a variety of community development projects that improve neighbourhoods, promote community involvement and help develop young leaders.

This year priority is being given to projects that give older students and youth the opportunity to supervise teams of younger Manitobans (10 to 15 years of age) while they are doing volunteer work to improve their communities.

“Green Team provides multiple benefits to the youth, their employers and their communities,” said Rondeau. “By engaging young people at an early age, we foster a respect for the community and they are more likely to continue to be involved in it as they get older.”

Funding for the Urban and Hometown Green Team programs is available for not-for-profit groups, universities, colleges, school divisions, schools, hospitals and rural municipal governments. Organizations can hire up to four youth between May 1 and Aug. 31. The application deadline for jobs that begin in May is Feb. 16, while the deadline for jobs that begin after June 13 is April 12.

Participating employers provide a wide range of community projects that support recreation, housing rehabilitation and neighbourhood safety, as well as park and riverbank cleanups and public education related to community development projects. Since 2000, nearly 12,000 jobs have been supported by the grants throughout the province.

More information as well as the applications for interested employers can be found online or by calling 945-3556 in Winnipeg and 1-800-282-8069 (toll-free).