On July 27, 2016, Ste. Anne Co-op will be presenting The Grande Pointe Homeowners Association with a cheque for $75,000 that will go towards a new four-season community clubhouse.
The Manitoba government is partnering with the co-op community to strengthen and expand the successful co-operative business model, which creates jobs and offers a wide range of products and services across the province.
Manitoba is proposing amendments to the Co-operatives Act that would make it easier to start innovative co-ops that make a difference for families and communities.
A first-of-its-kind tax credit and the creation of a new development fund will enable established and successful co-ops and credit unions to help new and expanding co-ops, Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross, minister responsible for co-operative development, announced.
The Province of Manitoba signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Manitoba Cooperative Association (MCA) and the Conseil de développement économique des municipalitiés bilingues du Manitoba (CDEM), formalizing their partnership and launching the new Manitoba Co operative Strategy.
Two surveys on co-operative enterprises in Manitoba have been completed and can be used as planning tools to help guide future co-op development, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk announced.
Finance Minister Greg Selinger introduced legislation that would better protect member investors in co-operatives and allow agricultural co-ops and their members to benefit from federal tax initiatives.
Credit Union Central of Manitoba will receive provincial funding totalling $105,000 over two years to develop a curriculum that will build capacity among its membership and help new and existing co-ops grow into successful enterprises, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) Minister Rosann Wowchuk announced.
A new Co-operative Development Strategy to help communities create and grow co-op businesses was announced by Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) Minister Rosann Wowchuk.