Keystone Agricultural Producers applauds the provincial government’s recent announcement that an immediate review of KAP’s funding system will take place.

“A new funding model will reduce the administrative burden on farmers, purchasers and KAP,” said James Battershill, KAP general manager. “For us this burden is enormous. Its removal will prevent needless paperwork, and instead  allow us to invest resources in engaging with farmers on the issues that are important to them like input costs and taxes.”

“This is clearly an indication of the government’s commitment to reduce red tape in the agricultural sector,” said KAP president Dan Mazier. “It also indicates that Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler has started to fulfill his individual mandate to do this.

“We look forward to working with him and other ministries to resolve further red tape issues with drainage, grain dryers, farm building codes, and many other problem areas. This will help Manitoba farmers become more competitive, reduce costs and grow their operations.”