Posted on 04/23/2012, 8:48 am, by mySteinbach

Steinbach MLA said the awarding of the construction contract for the new Bethesda Hospital Emergency Room is a huge step forward after delays on the project that have stretched over several years.

“It’s been a struggle to get to this point on this much needed project but this is a huge step. The next step is dirt moving and construction happening and at that point it will feel like this is really going to happen,” said Goertzen.

The contract for the $22 million, 14,000 sq. foot facility was awarded to Penn-Co Construction with construction expected to start as early as June and lasting two years.

“While I know this has been a frustrating process for residents and for me as well, hopefully we will soon begin to see the new ER coming to life which will ultimately be a great asset to staff at Bethesda and the patients who come looking for care,” said Goertzen.