Posted on 10/15/2013, 11:12 am, by mySteinbach

From Friday to Monday, officers from the Ste. Anne Police, along with members of the Canadian National Railway Police, conducted checkpoints and patrolled the town looking for impaired drivers, aggressive drivers, open liquor and illegal drugs.

Charges laid during the weekend included one charge of impaired by alcohol, one charge of a 24-hour suspension and nine charges related to highway traffic offences.

Chief Robichaud expressed his appreciation for the hard work done by his members and the CN Police. “While most other people are enjoying this time with their families our officers are working to ensure the roads are safe. Although we only had one arrest for impaired driving I believe it had a real impact. The driver was nearly 4 times the legal limit and was arrested in the early evening. This posses a real risk to any families that may be on the road travelling from a family get together.”

Ste. Anne Police say similar policing efforts will continue in the future. The department is also asking motorists to slow down while driving through Ste. Anne and not to use their cell phone while driving. Police advise drivers not to drink and drive and to always wear seatbelts when either operating or traveling as a passenger in a motor vehicle.

Chef Robichaud would also like to thank the community for their support. “I know it can be an inconvenience going through a checkstop, but the support of the community was fantastic. Most people thanked the officers for being out there.”