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Ten Commonly Used Natural Ingredients and Their Benefits

  • Erika Geisheimer, Blog Coordinator
  • Communications, Good n' Natural Health Food Store

1. Sleep Support: Valerian

Used as a mild sedative for the treatment of insomnia and sleep disorders. By promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, it supports natural sleep, anxiety, nervousness, etc. It has been proven to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, reduce the amount of waking time after sleep onset, prolong the overall time spent asleep, increase the length of deep sleep, increase dreaming and significantly improve the quality of sleep in both normal and insomniac sleepers.

2. Mental Boost: Ginkgo Biloba

It increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain and extremities. Ginkgo enhances memory, concentration and mental sharpness, helping to boost cognitive function. It has been shown to affect recall, recognition, reaction time, mood and energy! Ginkgo may also be helpful for the early stages of cognitive decline and dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, circulation problems, vertigo and tinnitus.

3. Heart Health: Hawthorn

Many naturopaths consider hawthorn to be the number one herb for the cardiovascular system. Hawthorn is able to bring about a gentle and sustained reversal of many degenerative and negative age-related changes to the way the heart functions at a cellular level through a wide spectrum of flavonoids. It is used as a cardio tonic and helps to strengthen heart contractions (making the heart a more efficient pump), reduce heart rate, and dilate blood vessels to reduce blood pressure, while improving blood flow and circulation. It may also help to lower cholesterol levels while preventing plaque buildup.

4. Liver Love: Milk Thistle

It is used as a powerful antioxidant to counteract the effects of pollutants and protect the liver from damage. It helps to repair and promote tissue regeneration, supportis detoxification reactions and cholesterol metabolism while improving digestion/gallbladder function (increasing bile production and flow). Milk thistle has been found effective for all sorts of inflammatory and infectious liver/gallbladder disorders and has been used to support treatment of liver disease associated with alcohol abuse, chronic hepatitis, and those working with or exposed to toxic chemicals, and other harmful substances. The active ingredients in milk thistle are flavonoids collectively known as silymarin.

5. Stress Solution: Rhodiola

An effective anti-stress herbal extract that works as a stimulating adaptogen to help us manage and deal with stress by increasing resistance of the body to chemical, biological and physical stressors. Rhodiola helps balances cortisol levels and may be used for stress-induced fatigue, anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome. It helps restore energy levels and support cognitive performance such as memory, clarity, and concentration and focus while supporting mood.

6. Prostate Protection: Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto has been used to treat prostatitis and urinary tract infections. It is used to help reduce enlarged prostate glands and relieve the symptoms associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), such as frequent urination (especially at night), difficult or painful urination, hesitancy, urgency, heaviness, weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, etc. Saw palmetto has anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It also works to inhibit hormone conversions that lead to BPH, improving the metabolism of testosterone in the prostate.

7. Weight Control: Garcinia Cambogia

It is a fruit in the tamarind family whose rind is rich in hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It has been said to be one of the most successful weight management herbs. HCA has been shown to inhibit the enzyme responsible for the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, causing the body to use up existing fat stores. Garcinia Cambogia helps prevent new body fat formation, while increasing your fat-burning rate. The HCA component may also increase serotonin levels, which helps boost mood and control appetite and food cravings. Lastly, this ingredient has also been shown to support blood sugar management.

8. Menopause Relief: Black Cohosh

The main active constituents in black cohosh help with symptoms of menopause while providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. It is effective in the relief of hot flashes, night sweats, heavy perspiration, headaches, heart palpitations, depression, sleep disturbances, vaginal atrophy (thinning of the vaginal walls causing painful intercourse) and dryness, nervousness, irritability and loss of concentration.

9. Immune Boost: Oregano

As an antimicrobial, it can directly kill bacteria, viruses, intestinal parasites, and fungal infections. Oil of oregano is one of the few remedies that can fight superbugs! It is also a powerful antioxidant capable of preventing cellular damage and possesses anti-inflammatory qualities as well. Often used to help with respiratory and sinus conditions, traveller’s diarrhea, candida overgrowth, seasonal allergies or topically to relieve insect bites, wounds and minor skin conditions.

10. Vein Care: Butcher’s Broom

Has been shown in several clinical trials to reduce varicose veins and hemorrhoids, and to treat the itching and burning of hemorrhoids. Butcher’s broom has been found to reduce blood pooling in the lower leg and is used to help treat lower leg discomfort, including cramps, pain, and swelling. A review indicated that it exerts activity on the three levels of circulation involved in Chronic Venous Insufficiency. It acts on lymphatic drainage, the constriction of blood vessels and microcirculation. When used in combination with the other ingredients (such as horse chestnut), it also improves the strength of veins and reduces permeability.